Millbrook's Late Push Makes for an Exciting Finish to Home Tournament B-Final, News, Bantam LL, 2015-2016 (Millbrook Minor Hockey)

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Nov 22, 2015 | BantamLL | 2474 views
Millbrook's Late Push Makes for an Exciting Finish to Home Tournament B-Final
The B-Final in the Bantam Division of the Millbrook Peewee/Bantam HL/LL Tournament pitted the Millbrook Stars against the Leitrim Hawks.  The 5:00 pm game on Sunday, November 22 proved to be an entertaining contest right down to the final buzzer.

For two periods, the Millbrook Bantams threw everything they had at the Leitrim goaltender.  For two periods, the Leitrim goalie's quick glove, supported by a strong defensive team in front, kept the Bantams off the scoreboard.  At the end of 2, the scoreboard read 4-0 for the visitors.  

Following some direct yet encouraging words from their head coach, the Millbrook team readied themselves for the last period of their 2015 home tournament.  

Millbrook Bantam players receive instructions from the coaching staff

The ice started to tilt in favour of the Stars 34 seconds into the 3rd period.  Defenseman Ben S. picked up a loose puck just outside the opposition blue line and charged in towards the Leitrim net cutting around the defenders and depositing a wrist shot just over the goaltenders left pad to put the Stars on the board with his unassisted effort.

Just under two minutes later, Blake W. capped off solid passes from Curtis D. and Tyler N and used his blazing speed to snake his way around the entire Leitrim side and snap a shot past the goaltender to cut the deficit to 2.

Millbrook goaltender Brock S. kept the Stars alive down the stretch with timely saves and nerves of steel. Defenders Joel V., Brandon T., Ben S. and rookie Bantam Kyle N. played stingy defense to keep the Leitrim attackers at bay.  The Star's offensive onslaught kept coming, lead by forwards Rory B., Gavin W., Blake W., Curtis D., Tyler N. and Zach S.

The Stars were rewarded for their efforts once again when Zach S. kept the puck alive, feeding Kyle N. at the point.  Kyle's well placed and heavy shot from the right point forced a rebound off of the Leitrim goaltender's pads - a rebound that was quickly deposited by Gavin W.  

The Stars were down by just one goal with 2:47 to play.

Although the Stars never gave up and played the last 2 minutes with everything they had left in their tanks, including pulling their goalie for a 6th attacker, they weren't able to find the tying goal.  However, the entire team should feel proud of their effort - not only in the final game, but all tournament.  

Congratulations to the Leitrim Hawks, B-Final Champions! 

And congratulations to the Millbrook Stars Bantam-LL team - B-Finalists at this year's Millbrook tournament!

Millbrook Stars Bantam-LL team receiving medallions as B-Finalists at the 2015 Millbrook Peewee/Bantam HL/LL Tournament